Pre-European Vegetation

(Updated 12/7/2020)

For a map of the vegetation, both original and planted, click here. This will be updated ASAP

An environmental company Biodiversity Services Pty Ltd made a vegetation survey in 2013 and 2018. Their findings are listed here. It is a large 185MB file. For a smaller size The 2013 survey main findings are listed here.

They also produced a Weed Management Strategy which can be viewed here.

It is likely that since its eruption some 20,000 years ago, Mount Elephant has supported an open woodland with a grassy understorey. A painting by Eugene von Guerard in 1857 showed scattered trees on the slopes , with apparently denser concentrations within the crater and around the base. A drawing of Mount Elephant also by von Guerard shows belts of stunted trees (probably manna gums, sheoaks, honeysuckles (Banksia marginata) and blackwoods on the stony rises at the base. Copies of these paintings and links to their sites are in the Photo gallery - Historic.

We can only guess that prior to pastoral settlement Mount Elephant was covered by “scoria cone woodland” (Commonwealth and Victorian RFA Steering Committee 2000). This vegetation type was dominated by manna gum, drooping sheoak, blackwood, banksias, sweet bursaria, and tree violet. The understorey consisted largely of native grasses (especially common tussock grass and wallaby grass) bracken, and a conspicuous herb layer including native peas and daisies. The proportions of each of these species would vary across the mountain depending on their exposure to soil, sun, rain and wind.

The effects of pastoral settlement were dramatic on the vegetation of the Mount. The removal of timber for yards, huts and firewood and grazing by sheep would have favoured the grasses (especially the introduced annual grasses) over the tree regrowth and the native herb flora. Vegetation diversity was quickly diminished across the plains also. The arrival of rabbits in the district probably caused the most drastic decline in native vegetation. A photograph by Gabriel Knight held at the State Library of Victoria, taken of the north-east peak in 1911, shows scattered adult trees each about 30 metres in height, with many scattered stumps and dying trees. There are thistles in the foreground, bare ground on the steeper slopes, and no young trees to be seen. Unfortunately since the devastating fires of 1944 and 1977 the only traces of trees are several charred logs.

looking east over the railway pit. New grass and tree plantings.

Present situation:

It takes a keen eye to find traces of the original vegetation. We have recently taken a complete inventory (listed on another page), however the different vegetation types can be easily seen. Shrubs of tree violet are surviving on the southern slope of the crater, and some charred logs of possibly drooping sheoak remain on the slopes of the north-east peak. Areas of native tussock (Poa sp.) and Danthonia sp. are on the north slope beside the access track to the crater. Introduced grasses include Phalaris, yorkshire fog grass and wild oats growing on the sheltered southern and eastern slopes. Annual ryegrass, wild oats, scotch and variegated thistle grow on the lower parts of the exposed northern slopes and along the access track from the highway.

Existing plants of interest: Original

(Click on the blue names to go to an interesting link on the topic.)

Tree violet is still thriving on the southern side of the crater and high on the outer eastern slope. Flowers are very perfumed. The dense cover gives refuge for small birds and animals.

The berries are popular with birds and skinks.

There is also a stunted bush 15cm high where the hawks eat their rabbits. It is surrounded by intestines and bones, which are cleaned up by the foxes from time to time.

Running postman (Kennedia prostrata), is thriving among rocks on the northwest side of the northeast col. The area is grazed by rabbits but it survives this.

Wallaby grass (Austrodanthonia sp.) This is widespread on the mount. It summit, ridges and northern slopes. The rabbits like to graze it.

Silver tussock (Poa sp.)


Introduced "weeds" of interest.

Swan plant (or narrow leaf cotton bush) This is an introduced weed but is host to the interesting migratory wanderer (or monarch) butterfly.

Patersons curse (seems to have appeared after the 1982 drought). Biological control may help, but we mostly spray it in early spring. It makes good honey.

In some districts it is partly controlled by introduced beetles. Flea beetle seems the most successful.


Introduced flea beetle laying an egg onto a patersons curse leaf in august 2015.


Roots of patersons curse which have been ringbarked by beetle grubs in dec 2015.

Weld, or Dyer's Rocket Is a nasty weed, but is popular to make yellow dye for wool, linen and silk. If mixed with woad (blue dye) it makes Lincoln green.

paddy melon ll

Horehound // This is another nasty weed. We presently control it by spot spraying.

It is possible to control also by introducing the clearwing moth which has grubs which eat roots, and the plume moth which has grubs which eat the leaves.

Twiggy mullein //


Plant List - Alphabetical

Running postman (Konnedia prostrata on northwest slopes)

(Updated 19/6/2020)

The plant list is for the listed locations on the mount.

East saddle and peak:

Native Plant List

species are indigenous (shown as 'indig') unless noted with # and/or another comment

Name: Common Name: Notes:


Large Tufted Graminoid

N Indig Poa labillardierei Common Tussock-grass

Medium to Small Tufted Graminoid

N Indig Austrodanthonia caespitosa Common Wallaby-grass

N Indig Austrodanthonia geniculata Kneed Wallaby-grass very low plants on summit

N Indig Austrodanthonia geniculata Kneed Wallaby-grass

N Austrodanthonia racemosa var. Slender Wallaby-grass



N Indig Austrodanthonia spp. Wallaby Grass

N Indig Juncus subsecundus Finger Rush

N planted Poa labillardierei var. (Volcanic Plains) Basalt Tussock-grass ?planted

Name: Common Name: Notes:

Groundcovers (not grass-like)

Large Herb

N Indig Rumex dumosus Wiry Dock

Medium Herb

N Indig Oxalis perennans Grassland Wood-sorrel

N Indig Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum Jersey Cudweed

Prostrate Shrub

N Indig Einadia nutans subsp. nutans Nodding Saltbush

Small or Prostrate Herb

N Indig Crassula sieberiana s.l. Sieber Crassula Near top of hill

N Indig Kennedia prostrata Running Postman top of patch; in heavy seed

N Indig Kennedia prostrata Running Postman large patch; 10 sq m

Medium Shrub

N planted Banksia marginata Silver Banksia

N Indig Melicytus dentatus s.l. Tree Violet Heavily browsed

N planted Melicytus dentatus s.l. Tree Violet

N Indig Melicytus dentatus s.l. Tree Violet

Name: Common Name: Notes:

Trees/Tall Shrubs

Large Tree

N planted Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. viminalis Manna Gum

Tree or Large Shrub (sub-canopy)

N planted Acacia mearnsii Black Wattle

N planted Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood

N planted Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping Sheoak

Name: Common Name: Notes: Life Form

Introduced Plant List (W)

Acetosella vulgaris Sheep Sorrel Medium Herb

Silvery Hair-grass Medium to Tiny Nontufted


Aira caryophyllea

Bearded Oat Medium to Tiny Nontufted


Avena barbata

Bearded Oat Medium to Tiny Nontufted


Avena barbata Dense patch

Prairie Grass Medium to Small Tufted


Bromus catharticus

Great Brome Medium to Small Tufted


Bromus diandrus

Soft Brome Medium to Small Tufted


Bromus hordeaceus subsp. hordeaceus

Red Brome Medium to Tiny Nontufted


Bromus rubens

Cerastium balearicum Balearic Mouse-ear Chickweed Medium Herb

Cerastium glomeratum s.l. Common Mouse-ear Chickweed Medium Herb

Rough Dog's-tail Medium to Tiny Nontufted


Cynosurus echinatus

Echium plantagineum Paterson's Curse Large Herb

Erodium cicutarium Common Heron's-bill Medium Herb

Gomphocarpus fruticosus subsp. fruticosus Swan Plant Medium Shrub

Hirschfeldia incana Buchan Weed Large Herb

Yorkshire Fog Large Non-tufted Holcus lanatus

Hypochaeris radicata Flatweed Medium Herb

Hare's-tail Grass Medium to Tiny Nontufted

Lagurus ovatus

Leontodon taraxacoides subsp. Hairy Hawkbit Medium Herb


Wimmera Rye-grass Medium to Small Tufted

Lolium rigidum Dense patch

Wimmera Rye-grass Medium to Small Tufted Lolium rigidum

Marrubium vulgare Horehound Sprayed Small Shrub

Phalaris aquatica Toowoomba Canary-grass Large Tufted Graminoid

Phalaris aquatica Toowoomba Canary-grass Dense patch Large Tufted Graminoid

Polycarpon tetraphyllum Four-leaved Allseed Medium Herb

Reseda luteola Weld Large Herb Annual Cat's-tail Medium to Small Tufted

Rostraria cristata

Solanum nigrum sensu Willis -1972 Black Nightshade Large Herb

Sonchus asper s.l. Rough Sow-thistle Large Herb

Sonchus oleraceus Common Sow-thistle Large Herb


Plant List - Location

Below is a plant list of indigenous plants observed in 2013.

Weeds and introduced plants were assessed but are not noted here.

(Biodiversity Assessment - Mount Elephant by Tim D'Ombrain and Janet Leversha 17/4/2013)

(Assessor(s): Tim D'Ombrain, Janet Leversha, Ian Castle)

(Click on the plant name for a description and photo)

Plant list - peak to eastern saddle.

Poa labillardierei Common Tussock-grass

Austrodanthonia caespitosa Common Wallaby-grass

Austrodanthonia geniculata Kneed Wallaby-grass very low plants on summit

Austrodanthonia geniculata Kneed Wallaby-grass

Austrodanthonia racemosa var. Slender Wallaby-grass

Juncus subsecundus Finger Rush

N planted Poa labillardierei var. (Volcanic Plains) Basalt Tussock-grass ?planted

Rumex dumosus Wiry Dock

Oxalis perennans Grassland Wood-sorrel

Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum Jersey Cudweed

Einadia nutans subsp. nutans Nodding Saltbush

Crassula sieberiana s.l. Sieber Crassula Near top of hill

Kennedia prostrata Running Postman top of patch; in heavy seed

Kennedia prostrata Running Postman large patch; 10 sq m

Melicytus dentatus s.l. Tree Violet Heavily browsed


Banksia marginata Silver Banksia

planted Melicytus dentatus s.l. Tree Violet

Melicytus dentatus s.l. Tree Violet

Western Circuit - south west

Austrodanthonia geniculata Kneed Wallaby-grass

N Austrodanthonia racemosa var. Slender Wallaby-grass

Austrodanthonia spp. Wallaby Grass good wallaby beneath wild oat

Austrodanthonia spp. Wallaby Grass good patch with oxalis

Austrodanthonia spp. Wallaby Grass good patch

Rumex dumosus Wiry Dock

Oxalis perennans Grassland Wood-sorrel

Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum Jersey Cudweed

Rumex brownii Slender Dock Patch

Rumex brownii Slender Dock


Western circuit - south east.

Austrodanthonia caespitosa Common Wallaby-grass

Austrodanthonia spp. Wallaby Grass

Austrostipa eremophila Desert Spear-grass (Not in VBA) At top of knoll, most likely species

Lomandra filiformis subsp. coriacea Wattle Mat-rush

Oxalis perennans Grassland Wood-sorrel

Crassula sieberiana s.l. Sieber Crassula

Dichondra repens Kidney-weed Patch between rocks

north east knoll

Poa labillardierei Common Tussock-grass observed

Austrostipa elegantissima Feather Spear-grass observed

Austrodanthonia caespitosa Common Wallaby-grass observed

Austrodanthonia geniculata Kneed Wallaby-grass observed

Juncus subsecundus Finger Rush observed

Themeda triandra Kangaroo Grass observed

Rumex dumosus Wiry Dock observed

Aphanes australiana Australian Piert observed

Oxalis perennans Grassland Wood-sorrel observed

Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum Jersey Cudweed observed

Ptilotus macrocephalus Feather Heads pers com.

Rumex brownii Slender Dock observed

Einadia nutans subsp. nutans Nodding Saltbush observed

Dichondra repens Kidney-weed observed

Kennedia prostrata Running Postman observed

Banksia marginata Silver Banksia early photograph, pers. com.

Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood early photo

Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping Sheoak early photograph, specimen nearby

northern breached knoll

Austrodanthonia caespitosa Common Wallaby-grass observed

Austrodanthonia racemosa var. racemosa Slender Wallaby-grass observed

Austrodanthonia spp. Wallaby Grass observed

Austrostipa eremophila Desert Spear-grass (Not in VBA) observed

Lomandra filiformis subsp. coriacea Wattle Mat-rush observed

Anogramma leptophylla Annual Fern observed (TFN)

Crassula decumbens var. decumbens Spreading Crassula observed (TFN)

Oxalis perennans Grassland Wood-sorrel observed

Rumex brownii Slender Dock observed

Crassula sieberiana s.l. Sieber Crassula observed

Dichondra repens Kidney-weed observed

Melicytus dentatus s.l. Tree Violet observed

In the crater

Austrodanthonia caespitosa Common Wallaby-grass

Austrodanthonia racemosa var. Slender Wallaby-grass good patch

Austrodanthonia spp. Wallaby Grass Patch

Oxalis perennans Grassland Wood-sorrel

Melicytus dentatus s.l. Tree Violet inside fenced plot

Melicytus dentatus s.l. Tree Violet

In the ballast pit

Poa labillardierei Common Tussock-grass

N Austrodanthonia racemosa var.racemosa Slender Wallaby-grass

Themeda triandra Kangaroo Grass

Aphanes australiana Australian Piert

Oxalis perennans Grassland Wood-sorrel

Western wall of crater (Noted by Chris Lindorf, Trust for Nature, 2010)

Anogramma leptophylla Annual fern (very rare).


Tree List

Trees in early paintings and photos of the area were silver banksia, drooping sheoak, blackwood, lightwood, tree violet.

Trees planted since year 2000 are:


Tree list





early black wattle









black wattle



hedge wattle



golden wattle




drooping sheoak




silver banksia




sweet bursaria




manna gum




tree violet




kangaroo apple